
INS OFFENE..! is the music festival of the new generation. It presents outstanding young musicians in flexible ensembles in interaction with artists of other genres such as dance, electronics, acting or video art. Together we want to make classical music an experience through new forms of events. We see INS OFFENE..! as a greenhouse of innovative approaches and as a bridge to a multimedia concert experience of the future.

The guiding theme of our festival in 2023 is… Dreams!

Upon entering the Kühlhaus, an exciting journey into unknown dream worlds begins guided by video installations, visual art, electronic sounds and delicacies at our bar. The staging of the entrance ritual is an integral part of the festival concept. Admission to the concerts is daily from 19–19.30h; the musical part starts at 20h.

The festival also offers educational programs: a master class by the world-famous Ukrainian composer Valentin Silvestrov, a seminar on social media marketing for artists, and a discussion format with leaders from the cultural sector on the future of our classical concert life. Finally, all ticket holders of a festival event will be admitted to the afterparty to let the festival come to an end with DJs across all floors of the Berlin industrial monument.

The musical participants of the festival are exclusively young musicians who perform in individually staffed ensembles:

They create exciting and highly innovative concert formats together with renowned artists from other genres:

INS OFFENE..! presents visual art as part of the festival’s concert events, such as the picture series “Music in Picture” by the Italian artist Flavio de Marco, paintings by the Ukrainian painter Kate Nikolya, or the video installation “Artificial Intelligence Mental Disorder” by the Uzbek-Azerbaijani artist duo Denis Davydov and Farhad Farzali.

INS OFFENE..! is planned and conceived by RCCR Projects GmbH in Berlin in collaboration with the Kühlhaus Berlin and is made possible by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin.

Artistic director: Nikolaus Rexroth

The location

The Kühlhaus Berlin is an industrial monument located in the heart of Berlin between the subway station Gleisdreieck and the subway station Möckernbrücke, right next to the Technical Museum Berlin.

Built around the turn of the century 1900, today it is a universal cultural center where a wide variety of events from readings, concerts, fashion fairs or food markets take place throughout the year. The Kühlhaus with its 6 floors and the “KUBUS” located in the middle offer the ideal setting for our festival and a place where experimentation and reflection are almost forced upon you. The “KUBUS” makes event forms possible in the most diverse ways; the musicians can play from hidden galleries, place themselves in the middle like in a boxing match or perform over several floors.